SARL with capital of € 2,000
RCS Paris 494 673 742
APE code : 4759B
VAT number: FR 02 494 673 742
Head office: 48 Galerie Vivienne, 75002, Paris, France
E-mail : info@laparte-paris.com
Telephone: +33 (0) 1 42 60 05 89

Publication director: Isabelle Chupin
Photos ©Dirk Seiden Schwan
Site host: OVH SAS, 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France

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The site and each of the elements, including but not limited to the trademarks, logos, icons, computer graphics, photographs, which compose it are protected under international intellectual property legislation. The contents appearing on the site are the property of L’APARTÉ or other companies. Any use, reproduction or representation, by any process whatsoever, and on any medium whatsoever, of all or part of the site and / or the elements that make it up is not authorized without the express consent of L’APARTÉ.

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In general, you can visit our site on the Internet without having to reveal your identity and provide personal information about yourself. However, we may sometimes request information from you. For example, to process an order or establish correspondence. We may supplement this information to complete a transaction or provide better service.